The Parliamentary Air Committee Having Recently Inhaled...
giddy heights, during their visits to a R.F.C. park, have breathed some of it forth in a brilliant idea. They propose that the present clumsy and ugly system of designating......
We Recognise That The Promises Extracted From Mr....
the ruling of the Speaker that the Special Register Bill may be amended so as to enfranchise new classes if instructions to that effect are previously carried, opens the way for......
In Reply To A Question From Sir Edward Carson, Mr.
Asquith stated on Wednesday that the Government were of opinion that this country would not tolerate the resumption of diplomatic intercourse with Germany after the war until......
Mr. Lloyd George Followed His Familiar Practice In...
dangers we have passed through, in the pericd lam ammunition was very short, in colours of storm and eclipse. We do not quarrel with that. Now that the danger is past we all......
Personally We Are Not At All Alarmed At The Idea
of manhood suffrage. We fancy it would make very little difference, and in many ways it would be a great convenience as compared with our present system. But then there would be......
The Bill Was Read A Second Time On Wednesday, After
a somewhat acrimonious debate. Mr. Asquith admitted that it was "not logical or complete or anything but a very halting, lop-sided and temporary makeshift, which may or may not......
Truly Man Is A Political Animal, And If You Scratch
him you. will find that the party-man is somewhere underneath, even though in becoming so he may have, as the Greeks used to say, escaped his own notice. The very lawyer-like......
The Spanish Manifesto To Belgium, Signed By Seven Hundred...
Roman Catholics, condemning the German invasion and the atrocities committed by the invaders, and expressing the desire that Belgium should be compensated and restored to inde-......
Mr. Montagu Made The Very Important Statement That The...
output of heavy shell amply covers the consumption at the front, so that the terrific bombardment on the Somme can be maintained if the factories work at full pressure. This......
Figures Such As These Make One Feel More Than Ever
that the resistance of our tiny Army at Ypres and elsewhere in the early days of the war, short of men, short of guns, short of ammunition, was nothing less than a miracle. If......
Bank Rate, 6 Per Cent., Changed From 5 Per Cent.
July 13th.......
Mr. Montagu, The New Minister Of Munitions, Gave The House
on Tuesday a remarkable account of the work done for our Army and for the Allies under his Department. It now takes a week to make as many shells of all kinds as were made in......