Mr. Montagu made the very important statement that the weekly
output of heavy shell amply covers the consumption at the front, so that the terrific bombardment on the Somme can be maintained if the factories work at full pressure. This illustrates the direct connexion between the task of the field army and that of the men and women at home, to the number of two millions and a quarter; who make the guns and shells. Mr. Montagu paid a well-earned tribute to. their industry and devotion and to the good sense of the rksponsible trade union leaders in smoothing away difficulties. He said, inoi-
dentally, that forty-five thousand skilled workmen had been released from the ranks to " dilute " the masses of unskilled labour in the munition factories. He commended the old Ordnance Department, so much abused a year ago, for having had the foresight to design the new heavy howitzers now in use. Mr. Montagu said that the enemy also were still increasing their output of munitions, and Mr. Lloyd George added a furt her word of warning.