19 AUGUST 1922, Page 12



Sta,—You have rendered a service to Ulster which we very much appreciate by exposing, in your issue of August 5th, Mr. A. G. Gardiner's fallacies with regard to the position in Belfast. No more outrageous statement has ever been published by a responsible journalist than that of Mr. Gardiner when he says that the Catholics of Belfast " are shot down in the streets by the armed hordes of the Ulster Government." Before com- mitting himself to such an absurdity Mr. Gardiner should have made certain of his facts. The seriousness of such an allegation surely demanded the most careful inquiry and investigation before publication, and if Mr. Gardiner had taken the trouble to have come over to Belfast and seen the conditions for himself he could not have permitted himself to have used such extravagant language or to have libelled Belfast and the Northern Government in the way he has done. If he is as good a Protestant as he professes to be he will no doubt know his Commandments, and the one we would recommend to his reconsideration is that which says " Thou shalt not bear false witness." The publication of such statements as these do more than anything else to .inflame passions and create bad feeling and to prejudice the whole question of peace in Ireland, which tho Northern Government is as anxious as anyone else to seo permanently established.—We are, Sir, &c.,