113.1, PROMENADE CONCERTS. No country in the world has a better annual series of concerts than the Promenade Concerts which have been resumed at the Queen's Hail. Not only are......
Some Plays Worth Seeing.
DALY'S THEATRE.—The Lady of the Rose . . . . [A good example of the artless arts of musical comedy.] LONDON PAVILION.—Phi-Pki • • • • . . [A " musical production," interesting......
[a Delightful Gallery Housing A Mixed Collection, Too...
by Londoners. May we venture to suggest a revision of some of the attributions ?] LONDON MUSEUM. [Many bad pictures and some good ones, besides amusing and delightful selections......
Sir Joan Soane's Museum (lincoln's Inn Fields).
[Special exhibition of sketch models of the Bank of England. These include models of the Princes Street entrance vestibule, the loggia, the accountant's hall, the Bank Stock......
Not/c,e.—when " Correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed...
name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the......