19 DECEMBER 1891, Page 1


MDE FREYCINET has not been RO successful in the

• Chamber as in the Senate. The Order of the Day calling -on the Government to use its powers against the Bishops, and

if necessary to ask for more, which was passed in the Senate by 211 to 57, was carried in the Chamber on Saturday by only 243 to 223,-53 Radicals and all Monarchists voting against it. The debate occupied two clays, and was occa- sionally most stormy, the President, M. Floquet, driving the Catholics half-mad by an interjected remark that Pio Nono was a Freemason. M. de Cassagnac, on the other band, -thought it argumentative to speak of the head of the Republic as" Carnot le Petit." The debate will have no religious results, for the Pope enjoins moderation, and the Cabinet is afraid -of extreme courses which might irritate the peasantry; but the Premier's threats have made an alliance between the Republicans and the Moderate Conservatives nearly im- possible; while, as their vote shows, they have not conciliated the Ultra-Radicals. The Cabinet is supposed to be seriously shaken; but in the face of the European situation, its im- mediate overthrow is improbable.