19 DECEMBER 1891, page 3

Sir George Trevelyan, Speaking At Salford On Wednesday,...

Irish Tories with voting for the Parnellit,e or more violent candidates, only in order that the Anti-Parnellite or more moderate candidate, may fail. Bat do the Irish Tories......

Mr. C. Booth, The Well-known Statist, Read A Paper On

Tuesday before the Statistical Society, great part of which was concerned with projects for granting pensions to the aged. He was inclined to believe that no such scheme would......

The Dean Of Norwich, The Dean Of St. Paul's, Archdeacon

Denison, and the other clergymen who signed the remarkable -document published in Friday's Times on the inspiration of the Bible, hardly know how much serious harm they may do......

The Corrected Figures Of The Bengal Census, Reported In The

Times of Thursday, reveal the immense magnitude and im- portance of that province, of which, in comparison with frontier districts, so little is heard. It now contains......

The Bishop Of Adelaide Really Has Found A Dead Sea-serpent,

though it is not quite so large as the specimens occasionally reported as sighted in mid-ocean. The Bishop saw the body of the serpent while riding on the shore at Avoid Point,......

On Other Questions, Mr. Chamberlain Pressed The Complete...

the Gladstonians' carrying Land reforms or Local Government reforms with Ireland stopping the way, and returned once more to his favourite scheme for providing pensions for old......

Bank Rate, 31 Per Cent.

New Consols (21) were on Friday 95i.......

We Greatly Regret To Say That The Duke Of Devonshire

is Klispaired of by his medical attendants. It is supposed that he may still linger for a day or two, but not longer. The electors of Rossendale are already looking out for a......

Mr. Francis Darwin, The Son Of The Great Naturalist, Has

been investigating the effect on insectivorous plants of supplying them with, and withholding from them, animal food. "He grew two lots of plants under similar conditions. One......