19 DECEMBER 1891, Page 14



Sin,—Permit me to say a word of protest against Church Defence, or the militant policy towards Dissenters.

The Dissenters in Wales, it would seem, are hot with a vindictive hostility against the clergy and the Established Church ; at least, their leaders speak as if they were, and the mass of their people are apparently content to follow their leaders. To what causes this bitterness is due, is not very clear. The spokesmen of the Dissenters declare that it is provoked by the sacerdotal arrogance and persecuting spirit of the clergy; but it is not easy to think of the Welsh clergy as holding the lofty position of arrogant persecutors. How- ever that may be, the status of the Church in Wales is en- dangered, because the majority of the population are wanting to pull down the clergy. Liberals say we cannot refuse to the people what they persistently demand.

In such circumstances, what is to be gained for the Church by calling the clergy and the Church-people to battle against the Dissenters ? Is it an advantage that the hostility which endangers the Church should be fed and inflamed ? If it is, then Church Defence and war with the Dissenters are politic ; then it is desirable for ecclesiastics to hit out at the Dissenters, whether by dismissing a church organist for going to a chapel, or by showing with how many opprobrious epithets co-opera- tion with Nonconformist Christians can be labelled. But this seems to be midsummer madness. What possible good can Church Defence do to a Church that is in danger beeause it is unpopular ?

The Archbishop of Canterbury is said to have given courage to the Welsh clergy at Rhyl, by assuring them that the Church in England would not separate itself from the Church in Wales. But the Liberal leaders are no doubt prepared to frame their legislation independently of the support of the English hierarchy; audit is to be feared that the Archbishop's expression of opinion will not draw off many Liberal votes, either in Wales or in England. The only policy which can conceivably do the Church any good is to try to make it better liked, and therefore to refrain from anything that might exasperate and deepen the feeling against it. We might, indeed, endeavour to convince Nonconformists—what seems to me demonstrable—that sacerdotal arrogance and persecu- tion are far more likely to be promoted than to be diminished- by Disestablishment ; but whilst their hand is raised to 'strike, they are not in a mood to listen to argument. Their platform word is, Sic volo, sic jubeo. I cannot but think that the Arch- bishop would have done the Churchmen of Wales -more ser- vice if, instead of cheering them on to a trial of strength in

which his support will be of very little use to them, he had. sent a private circular to all Welsh ecclesiastics, imploring them to be as forbearing and conciliatory as possible in their action towards Dissenters.

In England also, as well as in Wales, Church Defence may easily do harm, and it is only in some indirect ways, which would better be dissociated from the political conflict, that it can do any good. And the same thing may be said of militant movements on behalf of the Christian religion. It is to be wished that the Bishops and others who are supporting Societies and lecturers for the defence of the Church and of Christianity, would seriously consider whether either the Church or Christianity is likely to be helped by being put in a posture of battle against its opponents. The defiance is inspiriting to opponents, and brings whatever is least defensible into- prominence. To remove stumbling-blocks, to correct errors, to remedy abuses, to disregard factious assailants, to be frank and kindly with sincere objectors, to put the best side forward, —this is surely a more excellent way than that of exchanging- blows with the enemy.—I am, Sir, &e.,