19 DECEMBER 1891, Page 24

The Cloud of Witnesses : a Daily Sequence of Great

Thoughts from Many Minds, following the Christian Seasons. By the Hon. Mrs. Lyttelton Gell. (Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press.) —This is really what it professes to be, a collection of "great thoughts from many minds," for Tennyson, Browning, Long- fellow, Lowell, Mazzini, will be found associated with a great number of other writers, stretching over the whole field of serious literature,—Newman, Keble, Cowper, and the poets most com- monly resorted to in books like these. There is both prose and poetry, and so far as we have tested Mrs. Lyttelton Gell's selections, her quotations are always good and always impressive. It is published in two forms, one on very thin paper,—the type being, however, perfectly clear,—which makes the book lighter, and one on thicker paper.