The Wire and the Wave. By J. Munro. (Religious Tract
Society.) —This is sure to interest boys, and electrical students. The busi- ness of laying ocean-cables takes the cable-ship all over the world ; there is a great deal of the pleasure of travel, and then, too, there is the glory of putting a girdle round the earth. Adventure there is, because the telegraph, the most advanced product of civilisa- tion, has to do battle with the mightiest of elements. The hero of The Wire and the Wave obtains a situation in a Cable Company's manufactory, and travels to the West Indies, helps in a revolution,. and sees life generally. The story is really very well told ; there are numbers of lively and pleasant characters, and innumerable forms of globe-trotting adventures. The hard work of the cable layers and testers is described with sufficient detail, so that any one may realise it for himself, and there is not too much technicality. It is a distinctly readable book.