19 DECEMBER 1958, Page 23
SOLUTION 'OF CROSSWORD No, 1,021 ACROSS.-1 Sit on the fence.
9 Haver- sack. 10 Talon. 11 Frogs. 12 Plate-rack 13 Sea-staid. 15 Ephesus. 17 Dresser. 19 Catch up. 21 Impromptu. 23 Silks, 24 Laird. 25 Inanimate. 26 Merrythoughts. DOWN.--2 Inviolate. 3 Orris. 4 Tramped, 5 Eskdale, 6 Entrechat, 7 Celia. 8 Snakes. 9 Huffs. 14 Absconder. 16 Scholiast, 17 Drills. I/1 Repaint. 19 Crusade. 20 Posse.
22 'Pride. 23 Swing PRIZEWINNERS
Tlw winners of Crossword No. 1,021 arc: Mrs. P. MAW., 20 Branca:set' Lane, Purley. Surrey, and the Rev. R. V. Goortleigh Rectory, Barnstaple, Devon.