19 DECEMBER 1958, page 7

Mr. Harry Secombe Has Invented A G Ame With Almost Limitless

possibilities. On your television screen you draw, in thick black crayon, a wi g , moustache and beard in appropriate positions. You then sit back and wait for some pompous ass,......

The Popular Newspapers Have Lon G Had An Unpleasant...

crabbing the pet projects of other popular newspapers, whatever merits those projects mi g ht have. Any newspaper which has unsuccessfully bid a g ainst another newspaper for......

I See That Sir Linton Andrews Disagrees My View That

'nobody in the profession the Press Council seriously.' Why, then—le --do the Newspaper Proprietors' Associatio Newspaper Society, the NUJ, the Institut so on all contribute to......

Following The Adventures Of Characters In A Strip Cartoon Is

apt to be the subject of inverted intellectual snobbery, like not ownin g a television set, or readin g detective stories 'just for relaxa- tion.' But my favourite strip, which......

Further To Peter Forster's Remarks Recently About The...

attitude towards advertisin g , I was interested to hear Polly Elwes announce on the screen, on Tuesday, December 9, that a telerecordin g of Short Cuts had been withdrawn......

The Invasion Of Privacy Is So Commonly Made Now That

some newspaper men openly assert that they have the right to enter a man's house and make inquiries about him if, by any chance or misfortune, he becomes 'news.' There seems to......

Came Across A Further Example This Week Of The Ridiculous

convolutions which newspapers feel compelled to g o throu g h to avoid the risk of court actions. A news item in the Evening Standard ran: A sixteen-year-old boy arrested early......