The North of Italy, which, we believe, has never ceased
for a moment to regret the loss of its connexion with France and the introduction of the Austrians—a nation of all the Oltramontani most abhorred by the lively Italians—begins to exhibit symptoms of political life, and of a resolution to recover its liberty. Risings have taken place in the little state of Modena; • the sovereign of which is a very champion of legitimacy, and stands alone in re- fusing to acknowledge Louis PHILIP, because he is the choice of his subjects. The Duke is said to have been killed, but this report wants confirmation. If true, there is one rival of WILLIAM the Fourth fallen,—to the great comfort, we doubt not, of Sir Ro- BERT HARRY INGLIS. -Other accounts state, that on the 7th instant, the tri- coloured flag was hoisted at Bologna and Modena, and on the following day at Parma, Plazentia, and Ancona—that the Vice-Legate at Bologna had taken to flight, and the Grand Duke of Modena had taken flight. Risings have also taken place at Reggio ; and the condition of Nice and of Genoa is said to be threatening. The grand object of the Italian patriots is to form in the North of Italy a Federative Republic. The French on the borders of Piedmont and Savoy will, it is supposed, join the insur- gents as soon as a decided movement is made.