The North Of Italy, Which, We Believe, Has Never Ceased
for a moment to regret the loss of its connexion with France and the introduction of the Austrians—a nation of all the Oltramontani most abhorred by the lively Italians—begins......
The Brightest Of The "occidental Stars" Has Set—simon Bora-
, VAR is gone to that resting-place "where the wicked cease from IP troubling, and the weary are at rest." The news of an event which will clothe the New World in mourning, and......
The Letters From Lord Howicies Correspondent P , Of Which
two (No. VII. and No. VIII.) appear ill another part of this paper, acquire additional interest through the attention which his Majesty's Government is bestowing on the subject......
The Kin G.—some Very Unsatisfactiwy Rumours Relating To...
health have been lately circulated: We have, in consequence, made inquiries where we could rely upon correct information ; and, though the result of these inquiries does not, we......
The Reaction In Favour Of The Government In Ireland Goes
on. O'CONNELL has in effect pleaded guilty to fourteen out of the thirty-one counts of the indictment against him ; which being quite enough for conviction, the other seven were......
The Choice Of The Conclave Has Fallen On Mauro Capell
AEI, and he will ascend the Papal throne under the title of GREGORY the Sixteenth. CAPELLARI is an Italian, as all the Popes elected for many years past, very properly, have......