A sharp battle has been raging in the Irish Church
Convention on the subject of the separate session and votes of the Bishops, which had not yet been determined up to the time when we went to press. The Dean of Clonfert made a very able speech in support of the Bishops' separate Council and vote, which was ably sup- ported by the Bishop of Derry, in one of his humorous as well as vigorous speeches. Sir Joseph Napier quoted the opinion of Sir Roundel' Palmer that no Church constitution would be made within the meaning of the Irish Church Act of last session, unless the Bishops, clergy, and laity were separately represented as three distinct orders ; and he himself expressed confidently the same legal opinion. The matter was to be decided last night, and we hope in favour of the distinctness of the Bishops. At least, if the Church is to be called Episcopal and the Bishops are not to be mere shams, but in any sense real overseers, we think the dis- tinction should be kept up. Of course, if the Convention prefers the Presbyterian form, and can get Parliament to consent, that would be logical. But while the Church remains Episcopal at all, let the Bishops retain authority, add not be mere titled clergymen.