19 FEBRUARY 1870, page 1

A Sharp Battle Has Been Raging In The Irish Church

Convention on the subject of the separate session and votes of the Bishops, which had not yet been determined up to the time when we went to press. The Dean of Clonfert made a......

The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any...


We Have Analyzed The Main Provisions Elsewhere, But We May

here state that the Bill includes besides them Mr. Bright's plan for assisting tenants to become owners. If a landlord wishes to sell and his tenantry to buy, and they prove......

Mr. Bruce, When Attacked On Monday About His Cab...

made a defence which seems to us to miss the main points at issue. He said he had given up the lamps because the cost would be 19 a year, and he wanted the money to be expended......

News Of The Week.

H. GLADSTONE produced his Irish Land Bill on Monday, .1.1T before a House which seemed at times almost overawed by its magnitude, but which burst at the conclusion of his speech......

There Is No News Of The Council. Rumours Of French

inter- ference are plentiful. Count Daru, it is said, has declared that by certain acts the (Ecumenical Council "would run the risk of raising a bad feeling in the French......

The Education Bill Introduced By Mr. Forster On Thursday...

was a success certainly noless remarkable than Mr. Gladstone's. We have given a careful account of it elsewhere, and need only say that, like Mr. Forster's measure of last year......

Mr. Gladstone, In Answer To A Question Put Yesterday Week,

declared his wish and intention to introduce, after Easter, a measure altering (and we stippose in effect repealing) the abortive Ecclesiastical 'Tian' Act passed on occasion of......