Mr. Bruce, when attacked on Monday about his Cab regulations,
made a defence which seems to us to miss the main points at issue. He said he had given up the lamps because the cost would be 19 a year, and he wanted the money to be expended in getting better cabs, and believed it would be. Very good ; we do not want the lamps, and we do want better cabs, but how does the law stand ? The lamps were ordered by Act, and to allow an Act to be disobeyed because its subjects think it unwise is to bring the regime of law into disrepute. Then, as to the flags. They are of no use whatever, mere eyesores ; but they are legal, and therefore ought to be carried ; while as to loitering, Mr. Bruce orders that nobody shall loiter anywhere, and then punishes those who loiter in crowded streets, where they cannot help themselves. Of course, if we are to have good cabs and civil drivers in May, the public can wait ; but it expected something new and decided from Mr. Bruce, and has not got it.