19 FEBRUARY 1870, Page 17


[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Stn,—In your review of the Life of Faraday (February 12) you state that he refused to bring to bear upon the highest things those mental operations which he delighted to apply to very high things, and that in religion he neither investigated nor reasoned. This is quite true, and I am able to corroborate it from having heard Faraday express himself in terms almost identical. A relative of mine at whose house Faraday was staying some years ago put this question to the philosopher,—how is it that you are a believer in the doctrines of your sect ? His reply was, "I prostrate my reason in this matter, for if I applied the same pro- ems of reasoning which I use in the matters of science, I should be an unbeliever." Faraday was, as I have good reason to know, a practical Christian in every respect.—I am, Sir, &c.,

X. Y. Z.