"SPECTATOR.") SIR,—The writers on whom you comment have not often to com- plain of misstatements on your part as to what they may have said. I am, therefore, much surprised at the mistake which has crept into an article in your number for February 5, p. 162, and have no doubt but it will be at once corrected by you. The article to which I allude is headed "Papal Finance," and refers to a paper which appears on the same subject in the Month for Feb- ruary. Your writer there says, "The Month talks economic nonsense when it compares their taxation [the taxation of the Roman people] with that of Englishmen."
Whether such a comparison might be made in a nonsensical manner I am unable to say, but it is certain that there is not a word on the subject of such a comparison in the article in the Month.—I am, Sir, &c.,
London, February 7. THE EDITOR OF "THE MONTH."
[Our correspondent is quite right, and we owe him an apology. While writing, we confined a remark made by the Tablet of the 26th January, upon the Month, with the statements of the Month itself.—En. Spectator].