The political crisis in Bavaria seems to be serious. The
Liberal Premier, Prince Ilohenlohe, has been defeated by a coalition of Ultramontanes and Separatists ; but the King refuses to receive his resignation, lest the new Ministry should embroil him with Prussia. The majority threaten a coup d'itat, and a rumour circulates in Munich that the King intends to travel, leaving Prince Otho as Regent. That would be a complete victory for the reactionary party, who look on Prince Otho as their man, and name him for King in the event of abdication. It is stated that Austria, though favourieg the majority, shrinks even in Bavaria from Re- 'volution. The speech of the King of Prussia, noticed elsewhere, is intended to warn the majority that the Treaties with the North ,cannot be set aside, and that the King holds the Crown of Bavaria responsible for their execution.