19 FEBRUARY 1910, Page 14


[To ERR EDFPOR OP TRIO " SPECTAT01."] Srn,—I must confess to some surprise at your unqualified reply of "No" to Mr. Athelstan Renders question in your last issue as to whether an employer should canvass an employee voter. Take my case. I am an employer of several clerks and assistants who are voters. Owing to the prevalence of municipal trading and other tendencies associated with the policy of the Radical-Socialist Party, my business has of late years fallen off to an enormous extent, and for a year or more past I have been keeping on more than half my employees at a severe loss to myself in the hopes that if a new Government came in my business might improve again. In such eircum. stances it appears to me that it was not only allowable for me, but my distinct duty to my employees, to point out to them the position, and how by their votes they might assist to secure their own continued employment, which I cannot afford to maintain indefinitely at a loss.—I am, Sir, &es