[to Paz Editor Op Ter " Spwritos."1
Sin,—Allowing, as I am perfectly willing to do, that the accusations made by Liberals of intimidation on the part of Tories are of an exceedingly vague and paltry nature, is it......
Ljnd1te Influence.
[To ERR EDFPOR OP TRIO " SPECTAT01."] Srn,—I must confess to some surprise at your unqualified reply of "No" to Mr. Athelstan Renders question in your last issue as to whether......
[to Tirs Editor Or Emi " Spectator." J
SIR,—It is a well-known saying of Burke's that the generality of men are fifty years behindhand in their politics, and that while they declaim virtuously against dying or tlistd......
[to Tee Editor Of Rim " Spectatoz.'1
Sin,—It must be very distressing to many people to read the complaints of defeated candidates at the General Election. The charges of bribery and intimidation could not be more......
The "feudal Screw."
[To THR EDITOR OF TEE "SPEOTATOR.'1 SIR,—Thirty years ago you were good enough to print a long letter from my friend Sir Robert Hunter detailing the treat- ment I received at......
[to The Editor Of Ted "ersoraros.")
SIR,—The Liberal canvasser "A. C." who writes on the above subject in your last week's issue ought to be very grateful for the mildness with which your editorial note dismisses......
[to Tee Editor Of The "spectator. ") Sir,— Referring To...
in last week's 'Spectator, I have tried to get from my friends the names of the persons threatening to remove their custom if Liberal bills were dis- played. I am sorry to find......