SIR,—My answer to " Presbyter " shall be brief, as it seems to me there are only two matters to which I need refer. Your readers can judge for themselves of the Bishops' resolution on the Athanasian Creed and " Presbyter's " paraphrase. I would observe that the Bishops have expressed the opinion that in the minds of many at first sight the minatory clauses convey a more unqualified statement than Scripture warrants ; but in the same resolution the Bishops affirm that "this Scriptural truth is what the minatory clauses were primarily intended to express." It is not a question of whether I agree with the Bishops or not, but whether " Presbyter" has accurately presented the issue to your readers. I dare say there are people who at first sight would think that the statements in the Creed as to the doctrine of the Trinity are also more unqualified than Scripture warrants, but even so they would not be released from their obligations. I do not deny the right of the authorities of Westminster Abbey to sing what they may choose by way of an anthem so long as they also recite the whole Creed as a Creed and as ordered. I mentioned the West- minster Abbey version of the Creed because it excludes net- only the minatory clauses, but also clauses relating to the Incarnation, the Trinity, and the Resurrection of the body. It is hard to imagine that these clauses were omitted in the interests of those who believe. I pass by "Presbyter's" personal references ; they are unworthy.—I am, Sir, &c., H. W. HILL.