Equally sensational and menacing is an article explaining
the position of the Nationalists contributed by Mr. T. P. O'Connor to this week's Berwlds's Newspaper, Mr. T. P. O'Connor, it may be remembered, is one of the leaders associated with Mr. Redmond in-the management of the Irish Party, and was one of the three Nationalists who the other
day waited upon the Chancellor of the Exchequer in an informal deputation. Mr. T. P. O'Connor declares that the Irish Members are only to be retained as supporters of the Government if wise tactics are adopted. " If unwise tactics be adopted their hostility to the Government is equally assured." By " wise tactics " Mr. T. P. O'Connor, in effect, explains that he means " veto first and Budget after." All talk about deadlock, financial chaos, and so on, says Mr. T. P. O'Connor, is "empty nonsense in the midst of a great fight like this ":—
" They are phrases by which the bon bourgeois has always tried to stop the advance of a revolution. We want to make a revolu- tion, or we do not. If we want to make a revolution, then we ought to think in revolutionary terms and do revolutionary deeds. And the only methods by which we can carry this great constitu- tional revolution is to use the weapon of the Budget which the Lords have given into our hands, and then give them the choice between dealing with the chaos they have created or accepting legislation which will take out of their idle, mischievous, and senseless hands the power ever again of bringing such chaos upon the country."