No.19. By Edgar Jepson. (Mills and Boon. 6s.)—This is a
story concerned with the blackest of black magic, and creatures of the Abyss are freely invoked in its pages by a learned gentleman who lives in a suburb. Mr. Jepson contrives very deftly to throw an atmosphere of horror over the doings at 19 Walden Road, Hertford Park, No. 20 being taken by the hero, who sees the unholy rites of the magician being celebrated in the back garden. A love story with the magician's niece supplies the normal romantic interest. In the end the magician is sent mad by horror at the ooming of an unearthly visitant, and with his madness the manifestations end, not, however, without killing two of his confederates. The reader will be constrained to ask himself, not without a thrill, -hat were the marks obliterated in the garden gravel by one of the Initiated; but this question will not be answered for him by the author.