The Annual Report (1 dollar) for 1919-20 of the John
Carter Brown Library at Providence, Rhode Island, with a full cata- logue of the early printed books recently purchased, shows us where some of the rarest volumes in the Huth and Britwell collections have found a permanent home. The Vespucci tract, Mundus Novus, in an edition assigned to the year 1502, and the first German edition of 1505, are two of the Huth treasures. Two editions, dated 1507 and 1508, of the -King of Portugal's letter to the Pope about discoveries in the East, come from Britwell. The John Carter Brown Library is, next to the New York Library, the richest public collection of rare books in America, and book-lovers will observe with pleasure the care which the scholarly directors bestow upon their cataloguing and printing. The type and paper even of this report are excellent.