We Wish To Draw The Attention Of Our Readers To
the Exhibition of Textiles which is now being held at the Victoria and Albert Museum. Actually this exhibition is the most magnificent collection of tapestry that has been......
Bank Rate, 7 Per Cent., Changed From 6 Per Cent.
Apr. 15, 1920; 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 85i; Thursday week, 85i; a year ago, 90.......
Mr. Geoffrey Drage, Who Has To His Credit The Fact
that he is the first person who has ever extracted from the Government a statement of the amounts spent on Public Assistance, sent another valuable letter to the Times on......
Last Saturday The Senate Of Cambridge University Rejected...
known as Scheme " B " for the conversion of Girton and Newnham Colleges into a separate University. Under this scheme the new Women's University would be allied with and......
Sirm Fein Incendiaries Caused Seven Fires At Works In Man-
cheater, Rochdale, and neighbouring towns last Saturday night. In two Manchester works the night watchmen were overpowered by armed ruffians, who then proceeded to set the......
The Real -point Of Cardinal Bourne's Letter Is To Be
found in the application to the Irish situation of what Cardinal Manning said in 1867. The murderers in Ireland were then called Fenians, but the essentials of the situation are......
The Irish Rebels During The Past Week Have Made Two
attacks an railway trains in County Cork. On Friday, February 11th, the driver of a train was compelled by two rebels to stop in a cutting near Mallow. Heavy fire was directed......
Cardinal Bourne's Pastoral Letter Evoked An Angry Reply...
Jeremiah MacVeagh in a letter to the Times on Tuesday. " I want to be told by Cardinal Bourne," he wrote, " whether trust in the Coalition Government is a Catholic doctrine, and......
Lord Colwyn's Departmental Committee On Railway Ager-...
report on Saturday last. It found that there was " a lamentable leek of precision " in the agreements made by the Government before and after they assumed control of the......