The Irish rebels during the past week have made two
attacks an railway trains in County Cork. On Friday, February 11th, the driver of a train was compelled by two rebels to stop in a cutting near Mallow. Heavy fire was directed from the banks on a carriage containing fourteen men of the Royal Fusiliers. A sergeant was killed, an officer and five men were badly wounded, and the rest of the small party were then overpowered and dis- armed. On Tuesday last a similar ambush was attempted at Innishannon, near Bandon, where the Sinn Feiners occupied the station and opened fire •on a train in which some soldiers were travelling. This time the troops were ready for their assailants and used their Lewis guns with such good effect that the rebels were driven off, leaving two men dead and one prisoner. Unfor- tunately, five men and one woman, among the passengers, were shot dead and six soldiers were wounded. The same day, near Mourne Abbey, which is close to Mallow, a patrol detected an ambush, and captured eight of the gang. Numerous isolated murders by the rebels have been reported. Teeling, one of the men implicated in the horrible murders of British officers in Dublin last November, contrived to escape on Monday from Kilmainha.m Gaol. Irish prison administration seems to be extremely lax.