The Rhodesia Resources Committee, formed by the citizens of Bulawayo
in 1915 at the instance of the Ministry of Munitions, decided to continue its work after the war for_ the benefit of colonists and intending settlers. Its report for 1921, which may be had from Mr. P. H. Taylor of Bulawayo, contains a large number of instructive and practical articles on the agri- cultural and mineral wealth of Rhodesia. We may call attention to Mr. A. A. Muir's excellent article on Pise de Terre, illustrated with plans and diagrams. He says that rise has aroused remarkable interest in Rhodesia where " farm buildings, mine compound huts and even cottages of good character " have recently been built of it. The buildings are cheap, and, unlike the iron buildings so common in South Africa, they are warm in winter and cool in summer. The Committee's reports on rise have, it seems, been sent in large numbers to inquirers in the other Dominions and in America and foreign countries.