Lord Nuffield's Bounty
Lord Nuffield's new gift of £10,000,000 to "The Nuffield Foundation " dwarfs even the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust and the Pilgrim Trust. It is to be administered by seven managing trustees, who are presented with exciting opportunities of national and Imperial service. As in his earlier endowments, service to medicine and health has the first place in his regard ; the trustees will assist medical research and teaching and health services ; but they are required to consider scientific research and teaching in
the interests of trade and industry, the pursuit of social studies, and the care and comfort of aged persons. To what extent these objects are more closely defined has not yet been stated, but it appears that the trustees will have an opportunity to step in and make provision just where other services fall short, or may still do so even after large measures of reconstruction have been adopted. Splendid opportunities will be opened for promoting the application of science in all its forms to social welfare and the stimulation of industry. Lord Nuffield draws attention to the faCt that the resources which he is able to put at the disposal of the trustees have been built up by private enterprise. It is sometimes pointed out that the United' States is far better provided than this country with funds and services presented or bequeathed by millionaires for the public benefit, and many activities have been nnade possible in which this country is deficient. Here undoubtedly is a form of service which capitalism is capable of rendering to the community ; but it is by no means a conclusive argument against State enterprise, since there is nothing to prevent a similar use of its resources by the State.