Sir,—if It Is True, As You State In Your Notes
on "Mr. Low's Degrees," that the title of Professor lapses " with the relinquishment of the Chair to which it is attached," it is presumably inaccurate to accord the title to......
Basic English
SIR,—In your issue of February 12th " Janus " does less than justice to Basic English. So intelligently and skilfully has the selection of words been made that an astonishing......
Country Life - From A May-time Walk In Wytham Woods,
by Oxford, in the days before they came into Mr. ffennels's ownership, survives one very vivid memory, It is not of the fine trees, not of the vista where you first see the......
The Missing Technician
SIR,—Mr. Herbert Morrison, in his survey of future opportunities in foreign markets, rightly stressed the importance of vigorous market research and selling effort for British......
Sometime Professors
SIR,—What is there in the title of Professor which seems in some quarters so precious and in others to border on the ridiculous? Touching on the latter, one remembers mountebank......