There has been and still is an active demand for Money in the discount market and in the Stock Exchange. The drain to America continues as active as ever, and it is stated that further large sums are on order for transmission ; under these circumstances, and the depression in the value of Stock on the Paris Bourse, caused by the great diminution in the stock of bullion in the Bank of France, the critical position of the United States, and the aspect of continental political affairs, the English market has given way this week, and the final quotation of this afternoon shows a decline since last Saturday of nearly f per cent ; the first price was 92 921 for February Account; but rumours affecting the Bank of France, caused a gradual fall between then and the next afternoon of * per cent, and a still further fall of 1 per cent on Wednesday. Yesterday, a recovery of 3-16 took place, and was well supported during the afternoon ; but today a re- action has occurred, and the last price is 91% 911. The Money Market is in a very sensitive condition; the rate on Government Securities has ave- raged 5; per cent, with a good demand. Bank Stock leaves off 231 233; India, 218 221; Ditto Five per Cents, 1001 100i ; Exchequer Bills, 108. 48. dis. ; New and Reduced, 91/ 911 ; Consols for Money, 91* 911. The Bank of Belgium has raised its rate of discount from 4 to 5 per cent. The Foreign Market has been dull and heavy, and although quotations do not exhibit any very material alteration as yet, the tendency is decidedly downwards. Turkish Six per Cents, 70 71; Ditto New Stock, 56f 57/ ; Peruvian Four-and-a-Half per Cents, 95 ; Ditto Three per Cents, 74 75; Ditto the Dollar Bonds, 78 80; Ditto Uribarren, 80 82; Buenos Ayres, 93 95; Ditto Three per Cents, 29* 30%; Venezuela, 20 21; Ditto One-and-a- Half per Cents, 10 12; Mexican as been especially heavy., and closes 21
21*; Grenada Active, 14 15; Ditto Deferred, 5* ; Brazilian, 98f 99f ; Russian Five per Cents, 103 105; Ditto Three per Cents, 60 61; Spanish Three per Cents, 471 48f ; Ditto Deferred, 40* 40f ; Ditto Certificates, 5* 51; Victor Emmanuel, 92 93 ; Sardinian, dull at 81* 82*. Money was very scarce during the settlement on Wednesday, and brought from 7 to 9 per cent on continuation.
A decline of from 1 to 3 per cent has taken place place in Railway Shares, and more than the ordinary amount of business has been passing all the week. Midland have fallen to 1321 132/ ; this shows a decline of 5 per cent from the highest point reached within the fortnight. Caledonian, 96 96f ; South-Eastern and Dover, 851 851 ; Great Northern, Ill 113; London and Blackwell, 60 62; Great Western, 71/3 72; London and South- Western, 941 95; Berwick, 1031 104*; York and North Midland, 92 92i ; Leeds, 1151 115/ ; Birmingham, 991 100.
French Shares are considerably depressed, but with only a limited busi- ness. Luxembourg, 6 11-16 6 13-16; Sambre and Meuse, Si 5a ; Lom- bardo-Venetian, lf 11 discount.
Very numerous transactions have taken place in the several Marine As- surance Companies, especially in those of the Ocean, establishing a great rise in the latter, although the best prices of the week have not been main- tained; the last is 415 premium. Universal, 11 1 7-16; Provincial, par to *premium. For the purpose of relieving the great distress just now prevail- ing in the Metropolis, a subscription list was opened yesterday on the Stock Exchange ; and, during the day, more than 1000/. was collected, which has since been increased to 1500/. A voluntary contribution of such magnitude, and gathered in a few hours from one body of gentlemen, redounds greatly to their credit; and, it its to be hoped, the example may be followed by other