Tire Search Folt Exrlovmnrrr.-well I Remember The...
I set out, and the adventures of that day. One of the most dis- agreeable things a working man has sometimes to do is that of searching for employment. Many an industrious man......
From The London Gazette, January 15.
Bankruptcy Annutted.-Herbert Redgate, Nottingham, lace-manufacturers. Bankrupts.-Jamee Crook, Winekworth Place, City Road, indiarubber-web- manufacturer-Victor Faelli, Crutched......
On the 18th November, at Mooltan, the Wife of Captain C. O'B. Palmer, 11.31.'s lit European Bengal Fusiliers, of a daughter. On the 4th ultimo, at Ahmednugger, Bombay, the Wife......
Prices Cljliltent.
BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) 8agurd, - 3/endow. Tuesday. Wednes. Thurs. Triday. 6 per Cent Consol s 711 911 911 91f 911 911 Ditto for Account 92 93 91} 911 911 911 3 per......