BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.)
8agurd, -
Thurs. Triday.
6 per Cent Consol s
711 911 911 91f 911 911 Ditto for Account 92 93 91} 911 911 911 3 per Cents Reduced 914 911 911 911 911 911 New 3 per Cents 911 911 91i 911 911 911 Annuities 1880
Annuities 1885 161
}lank Steele, 10 per Cent 232 - 233 232 231
India Stock, 101 per Cent - 220} 2 8 220 219
Exchequer Bills, Ild. per diem 6 dis. 11 8 5 10 21:1 Exchequer Bonds, 5001 2410. 7 8 .
India Bonds 4 per Cent
12 dl,.
(Last OfficialQuotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Austrian 5 p.Ct. ---
Preach 41P. CI.
Belgian . 4i - 97
Mexican a - 281
Ditto II - - Peruvian 41 -
Brazilian 8 - 991
Portuguese 1853 a -
Buenos Ayres 6 -
- Russian 6 - 1041 (Milian 6 - - Sardinian 5 - 82 Danish 6 - - Spanish 3 - 461 Ditto 3 - -
Ditto New Deferred s -
40/ Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) .21 - 638 Ditto Passive 171 Ditto 4 - 1001
Turkish. 6 -
French 3 - • - Venezuela 3 -
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) RAILWAYS-ilexes-
Bristol and Exeter 1001 Australasian 73 Caledonian 961 British North American 641 Chester and Holyhead 531 City 711 Eastern Counties Si Colonial 381 Edinburgh and Glasgow --
Commercial of London
Glasgow and South-Western ... - Engl. Scotsh.& Australian ChM 161 Great Northern 1121 London
Great South. and West. Ireland. - London and County 361 Great Western 72 London Chrtd. link. of Australia 23 Lancashire and Yorkshire 1151 London Joint Stock 391 Lancaster and Carlisle - London and Westminster 841 London, Brighton,& South Coaet 117 National Bank
London and Blackwell 61/ National Provincial
London and North-Western.. , . 991 New South Wales 348 Loudon and South Western..., 941 Oriental 46 Manchester, Sheffield,& Lincoln. 53/ Ottoman 171 Midland 1321 Provincial of Ireland 82 Midland GreatWestern (Ireland) -
South Australia
-- North British 651 Union of Australia 40 North-Eastern-Berwick 1031 Union of London 261 North-Eastern-York 92 Unity 151 Oxford, Wor. & Wolverhampton - Does,-
Scottish Central
East and West India 117 Scottish Midland - London 651 South .Eastern and Dover 85/ St. Katherine 70 Eastern of France - Victoria 99 East Indian 98 HISCILLAN ZOO.-
Geelong and Melbourne --. Australian Agricultural 321 Grand Trunk of Canada 211 British American Land
Great Indian Peninsular Great Western of Canada 951 101
Canada ,
Crystal Palace 191 Paris and Lyons
Electric Telegraph .... , General Steam
Australian 1 London Discount 4 Brazilian Imperial
National Discount 3/ Ditto St. John del Rey 28 Peninsular and Oriental Steam. 72 Cobre Copper 431 Royal Mail Steam (6 Rhymney Iron - South Australian
An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, map. 32, for the week ending on Wednesday the 16th day of Jan. 1881.
Notes issued 825,179,845 Government Debt £31,019,190
Other Securities 3,459,900
Gold Coin and Bullion 9,535,002
Silver Bullion 1,469,843
125,479,845 NANNING D r TTTTTTT £25,479,845 Proprietors 'Capital Rest £14,553,000 3, 3 ,1 Government Secnrities(inclu- ding Dead WeIghtAnnuity). £8,783,721 Public Deposits. 2,746,319 Other Securities 21,123,578 Other Deposits 14,433,958 Notes 5,081,626 Seven Days and other Bills . 690,926 Gold and Silver Coln 770,618
• Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks,Commisaioners of National Debt, and Div. Rect.
BULLION. Per on.
Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard £3 17 9 Mexican Dollars 0 5 01 Silver in Bars, Standard 0 5 11 METALS. Per ton.
Copper, Brit.Cakes £102 10 0 .. Iron, Welsh Bare-. 6 $ 0 .. Lead, British Pig .. 24 10 0 ..
Steel, Swedish Keg. 17 5 0 ..
£0 7 25 17 Ii 0 0 0 0 0 10 0
WEEKLY AVERAGE. For the Week ending Jan. 12.
Wheat 67s. Id. I Rye 31s. 451.1
Barley 40 6 Beans 43 10 Oats 23 6 Peas 44 6 PROVISIONS.
Butter-Best Fresh, 18s. 08. dos. Carlow, 01. Os. to Si. Os. per cwt. Bacon. Irish per cwt. 64s. - 65e. Cheese, Cheshire, tine 76 -84 Derby, pale 70 - 76 Hams, York 76 - 92 Eggs, French, per 120, 5s. Od. to 81. 6d.
a. d. s. d s. 8.
Cities- BURNET..
s. d. a. d. s. d.
Russ 01 CATTLSat
Cartes Reef... 3 4 to 3 8 to 4 2 .... 4 6 to 4 10 to 5 2 Monday. Thuraday.
Mutton3 - 3 10 - 4 4 .... 4 8 - 6 4 - 5 8 Beasts.. 4,040 670
Veal... 4
0 - 4 4 - 4 8 .... 4 4 - 5 0 - 5 6 Sheep 19,700 2,100 Pork .. 3 6 - 4 2 - 4 8 .... 4 6 - 4 8 - 3 0 Calves.. 110 180 Lamb 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 .... 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 Pigs ... 400 125 • To sink the offal, per 8 lb.
Weald of Kent Pockets 88s. to 2800. Down Tea, per lb. 20,6. to Ild.
Mid and East Kent ditto 120 - 360 I Half-bred Welber. 161 - 19 Sussex ditto 100 - 180 Lei,-ester Fleeces 18 - 00 Farnham ditto s.. 0 - 0 Combing Skins 13 - 12
MAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)
Hay, Good
Sutra roma, 75s. to 84.
100s. to 1011. Consumer b. 1 Ids. to MM.
Inferior 40 - 37 40 - CO 6' ••••• 98 New 0 - 0 0 0 0 - u Clover 95 - 115 115 120 118 - 126 Wheat Straw 32 - 43 34 - 40 38 - 44 GROCERIES.
Tea, Souchong, fine, per lb. 2s. 0d. to 3s. Id. Congou, line 1 9 - 2 Pekoe, flowery 3 0 - 5 0 MISCELLANEOUS. Jamaica Rum.... per gal. 4s. Brandy, Best Brand. Cotton, N. Orleans .per lb. 0 A. to - -
In bond-Duty Is. 64. per lb. Saltpetre. Ref... .per cwt. 40 -4 0 Coffee,fine in bond) cwt. 75s. cid. to 9:15. Od. Good Ordinary 61s. Od. to 625. Od. Guano, Peruvian .perton .280 Tallow P. Y. C.. .per cwt . 61 -
- o
Cocoa,Trinidad (in bond) 66s. Od. to 905. Od Town 61
- o
Rice, Ame. dr.Carolina.. 22s. Od. to 264. 6d. Rape Oil, English refined 43
Sugar, Museovado, average..: Os. Od. Brown 41 -41 6 West India Molasses .. . 18s. Od. to 23,0,6, Linseed Oil 28 - 0 0 POTATOES.
Cocos ant 011 113
- 55 0 Kent and Essex Regents..ton.130s. tole°, Palm Oil 47 - 0 0 Slums u - 0 Linseed 011-cake, per ton .240 -243 0 York Regents 150 -18. Coals -Hetton 28 - 0 0 Scotch „ 130 200
- 0 P GRAIN, Mark Lane, Jan. 18.
Fine 51 to 57 Fine "2 to 78
Foreign,R 53 - 66 Peas, Hog... 36-40 White P 73-77 Maple .... 38 - 40 Rye 35 -40 White .... 88-44 Barley .8 -33 Blue 0 0 Malting .. 38-45 Beans, Ticks 38 - 46 Malt, Ord... 57-72 Harrow 50-68 Wheat,R. O 0 to 0 Fine 0- 0 Red, New 4 -46 Fine 46-53 White Old 0- 0 Fine 0- 0 New 41-51 Indian Corn. 42 to 43 Oats, Feed.. 20-24 Pine.... 0- 0 Poland ... 22-26 Pine.... 0- 0 Potato.... 27-39 Pine.... 30 - 32 SIX-WEEKS AVERAGE.
Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. Wheat 34e. Od. I Rye 351. 34 Barley .... 39 5 Beans 45 1 Oats 22 3 ,Peas 44 3 FLOUR.
Town -made per sack 57o. to 60s.
Seconds 48 - 52 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 46 -48 Norfolk and Stockton 41 - 43 American per barrel 3: - 35 Canadian 32 - 36 Bread. 78. to 98. the 41b. loaf.