On the 18th November, at Mooltan, the Wife of Captain C. O'B. Palmer, 11.31.'s lit European Bengal Fusiliers, of a daughter. On the 4th ultimo, at Ahmednugger, Bombay, the Wife of Colonel Chas. Cameron Shute, Inniskilling Dragoons, of a son. On the 3d ultimo, at Calcutta, the Wife of W. S. S. Karr, Esq., C.S., of a son.
On the 5th ultimo, at Pai, East Indies, the Wife of Captain (1. Swiney, H.M.'s 6th Bengal European Infantry, and Commandant Jaloun Military Police, of a daughter. On the 6th instant, at the residence of her father, William Houghton, Esq., 28, Hamilton Terrace, St. John's Wood, the Wife of Henry Brown, Esq.; of Sandhurst, Australia, prematurely, of a son. On the 8th instant, at the Earl of Gainsborough's, in Portman Square, the Lady Lonisa Agnew, of a son.
On the 9th instant, at Tynemouth, Northumberland, the 'Wife of John M. Red- mayne, Esq., of a son. On the 10th instant, at Bernard Street, Russell Square, the Wife of the Reverend E. Cobham Brewer, LL.D., of a daughter. On the 10th instant, at 31, Bedford Square, the Wife of the Reverend George Rust, King's College, of a son.
On the 29th November, at Ootacamund, Neilg,herry Hills, Madras Presidency, by the Reverend F. G. Lugard, Major Bernard Edward Ward, of the 60th Royal Rifles, to Gertrude Maria, eldest daughter of Rowland 'Mosley Chatfield, Esq., Madras Civil Service.
On the 30th December, in the Chapel of the Prussian Legation at Borne, his Excellency the Baron Charles William de Cauity et Dallnitz, his Prussian Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of Rome, to Helen Georgrana, youngest daughter of the late John Knight, Esq., of Wolverley House, Worcester, and of Simonsbath, Somerset. On the 12th instant, at the British Legation, Frankfort-on-the-Maine, by the Reverend H. E. Cruttwell, M.A., H.B.M.'s Chaplain, Major F. S. Vacher, 334 (the Duke of Wellington's) Regiment, to Eliza Henrietta Augusta, only surviving daughter of Sir Frederick William Franklaud, Bart.
On the Stir instant, at the parish church, Carham, by the Reverend It. Jones, Vicar of Branxton, assisted by the Reverend F. Thomson, Vicar of Carboni, John Collingwood, Esq., of Corchill, late of the 9th Royal Irish Dragoon Guards, second and eldest surviving son of the late H. J. W. Collmgwood, Esq. of Lilburn Tower, and Cornhill House, Northumberland, to Jane, second daughter of John Lumsden, Esq. of Lcarmouth.
On the 12th January, after a very short illness, at 15, Laugh= Place, Portland Place, aged forty, Elizabeth Anne, Wife of Sir Cusack P. Roney.
At her residence, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Mrs. Walker, Widow of the late Rear- Admiral Walker, C.D., formerly Relict of Captain Edward Penruddock, Coldstream Guards, and last surviving issue of the late Arnoldus Jones Skelton, Esq., of Branthwaite Hall, Cumberland.
On the 224 November, at Alluhabad, East Indies, Colonel B. Riky, commanding II. M.'s 48th Regiment.
On the 10th instant, at Brough Hall, Yorkshire, Clarinda Catherine, Wife of Sir William Lawson, Bart., aged lift-nine.
On the 8th instant, after a long illness, Mr. William Mark Clark, publisher, of Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row, in his fifty-seventh year.
On the 9th instant, at 13, Chesham Place, very suddenly, Jane, the beloved Wife of T. Frederick Elliot, Esq., of the Colonial Office. On the 12th instant, in his twenty-fifth year, at the residence of his father, Avenue Road, St. John's Wood, Henry Hill, junior, Esq., a member of the firm of Williamson, Hill, and Co., of Great James Street, Bedford Row.
At 46, Cloudesley Terrace, Islington, Donald Kennedy, Esq., formerly of The Grange, Portland Bay, Australia. On the 14th instant, at Tilgate, Mabel, the infant daughter of Mr. and Lady Agnes Hylton Jolliffe, aged seven weeks.