The great interest of the inquiry this week has been
the examination and cross-examination of one of the Invinciblee, Patrick Delaney, who was implicated both in the Phcenix Park murders and the attack on Mr. Justice Lawson, and who was brought up from prison to be examined. The drift of his state- ment is that the Invincibles were co-operating with some of the most notable members of the Land League, like Sheridan, Egan, and Byrne, and that they derived their funds directly from the Land League, through Patrick Egan, Francis Byrne, and the celebrated "No. 1," who is known to have been a person of the name of Tynan. Patrick Delaney admitted that he had been in prison for a highway robbery before he became a Fenian, but his evidence was clearly and consistently given, and he swore to his belief that all the letters of Egan about which there has been so much discussion were signed by Egan, both those which the Parnellites admit to be genuine and those which they maintain to be forgeries. Of course, the evidence of such a witness will have little moral weight unless it is confirmed from other quarters.