There Was A Grand Debate In The Prussian Reichstag On
Tuesday over the position of German Colonies in West Africa, in which Prince Bismarck took a leading part, answering Herr Bamberger, who represents the distaste of German......
News Of The Week.
I T seems fully clear that the first County Councils will have a very considerable weight of experience behind them, and that the elections have not in general been fought on......
The Much Less Serious Charge Against The Warden Of Merton
College (the Hon. G. C. Brodrick), that in a speech to a meeting of Oxford undergraduates, held on December 3rd, he had been guilty of a contempt of Court, was disposed of on......
Notice To Ad Ver Tiser S.
With the " SPECTATOR" of Saturday, January 26th, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements.......
The Great Interest Of The Inquiry This Week Has Been
the examination and cross-examination of one of the Invinciblee, Patrick Delaney, who was implicated both in the Phcenix Park murders and the attack on Mr. Justice Lawson, and......
The Special Commission Reopened Its Sittings On Tuesday,...
O'Brien made a speech in defence of his paper, United Ireland, which had been brought before the Commission for an article written in December, which was said to have been in......
Notice.—with This Iveeles Number Of The Spectator Is...
Twelve-Page Supplement, containing the Index and Title-Page for the Volume for 1888.......