Saint Margaret. By William Tirebuck. (W. P. Nimmo, Hay, and Mitchell.)—This story shows a considerable amount of power. Mr. Tirebuck has depicted the life of a young man who is striving to serve Christ with body and soul to his utmost. He takes work, as a missioner, under a vicar who pays more attention to the beauty of his church and services than to the welfare, both spiritual and bodily, of the poor people entrusted to his charge. Yet he likes the man, and, what is more, is in love with his daughter. The tale is worked out with a certain amount of skill. By means of his hero, the author sets forth his views on some of the religious questions of the day clearly and forcibly, and with evident earnestness of purpose. 'Though it is impossible to agree with some of his views, there yet remains much that is worthy of study. On the whole, the story is well written, but there are a few faults in its construction. In places it is hardly connected enough ; occasionally, too, there is a lack of incident, and then the tale drags. Still, it certainly shows power.