IA Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened alter noon on Tuesday week, yanuary 3oth. Envelopes should be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a aid. stamp. Schitions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]
. Habiliments of folly. (3, 3, 5.) 9. Actually it isn't. (7.) o. The stork is a trimmer. (7.) IL Crime that I camouflaged. (10.) Is. Bed, it may be cracked. (4.)
14. Danger. (5.)
15. Does this snake come from England?
No, Canada. (8.) 17. Getting-one's-own-backs. (8.) 19. It occurs between risers. (5.) 22. Charlotte Maria Tucker. (4.)
3. Tomorrow's government, perhaps.
26. It may be secure on the surface. (7.)
27. A 9 sort of starter. (7.) 2E. Alternatively, mistress doesn't care. (6, 5.)
1. The plant one is not able to grow in Scotland? (5.) 2. Little dog at the jetty-head, or is it a ladder? (7.)
3. Cool. (to.)
4. In which performers 19 lightly. (6.)
5. No palm is arranged for illumination. (8.)
6. Island reached by Noah navigating south? (4.) 7. Perhaps a suitable nick-name for W.G. if he had represented Oxford or Cambridge. (9.)
8 Nor turn up with order. (6.) 13. Many a one is to be found in Bums. (1o.) -
14. Poetic enfnence. (9.) 16. A star? Yes, he's super, or might be. (8.) 18. " The dew that on the lies Mocks the dark lustre of thine eyes." (Scott.) (6.)
20. An old priest goes to the New Jeru- salem. (7.)
at. Express a political opinion about four. (6.)
24. Old heads, one of them was Crom- well's. (5.)
25. Check,-but not tobacco smoke, surely! (4.)