The Archbishop's Office
Sta,—Perhaps " Janus " had his tongue in one of his four cheeks when he wrote of the office of the Archbishop of Canterbury as being the highest in the Christian Church. But......
B.b.c. And Comment
SIR,—I sincerely appreciate your publication, in your issue dated January 12th, of my letter, which you head: " B.B.C. News and Comment." May I correct what is doubtless a......
Local Government
SIR,—In your " News of the Week " you make reference under the heading " A Local Government Scandal" to the Ministry of Health Inspector's report which was recently presented to......
Country Life
IT should be no little comfort to those gardeners, and they are legion, who see their beds overrun with weeds to be told—and by scientific persons on scientific grounds—that......
Totle Or Tophanes ?
SIR,—In his charming review of my book Friday Mornings, Sir Ernest Barker questions my statement that Aristotle held that no woman can make a good House of Commons man. It is......
The Palestine Mandate
SIR, —As Mrs. Maude Royden Shaw is of opinion that " the interpreta- tion by the Zionist of the words 'national home' into ' Jewish Common- wealth' has no ground whatever, in......