Museum charges
Sir: Mr S. John Peskett (Letters' January 12) rightly takes the Govern' merit to task over its doctrinaire P°1161 ornfnoetexcludingchilcdhraerngeftsom natio
museum admission na
I should like to emphasise that, asi far as children not in organised schont parties are concerned, the Governineo have estimated that three million at a time are likely to visit all our 11'; tional institutions during 1974, t,ntio raising a grand total of no moretleis £150,000! Time will tell whether of, estimate of the number of child the who will not be deterred bY charges is, as I suspect, wildlY timistic; but in any event it ought ot quite invidious and distasteful for the museum authorities, at the behestioit the Government, to consent to exP Young people to raise a minuscule sums for themselves which in any circumtances cannot fail to be wholly trivial In relation to their budgets.
Hugh Leggatt Leggett Brothers, 30 St James's Street, London SW1