Letters To The Editor
Subsidising students Sir: I must protest most strongly about Skinflint's disgraceful attack upon students in his column (January 5). One of my daughters is a university lecturer......
Not Clockwork
Sir: Mr Jones (Letters, January 5), has let his imagination outrun all reality. No clockwork duck, with which he amusingly compares me, could, I would have thought, ever change......
Government And Miners
Sir: This Government was wrong in the first place to set up a Prices and Incomes policy which they could (or would) only half activate properly: naturally, the incomes half.......
Emergent Malawi
Sir; I would like to make a few points which Mr Lamont's parliamentary delegation may have missed (January 5). He implies that the tourist industry has potential. Malawi has......
Grow, Man, Grow
Sir: Today we face a 1940 situation , ha t the blockade for our food and fuel Is from prices forced ever higher bY Wag e d and fuel costs, plus inflation and w orl , shortages.......
Museum Charges
Sir: Mr S. John Peskett (Letters' January 12) rightly takes the Govern' merit to task over its doctrinaire P° 116 1 ornfnoetexcludingchilcdhraerngeftsom natio museum admission......
Zinc-edged Investment
Sir: In his otherwise fair and balanee d e piece on the Irish mining scen (December 22) Richard Hall relies rather too heavily on such phrases n a s : seizure," nationalisation......