Vietnam refoliation
Sir: It is not true to say, as Mr Bernard Dixon does in his article on the effects of defoliants and weedkillers used on a massive scale (January 5) that the land of South Vietnam is completely infertile. I have photographs taken in different parts of South Vietnam — Quang Tri, Quang Yi, Binh Dinh, Ca Mau, et cetera — showing extensive fields of ripe rice being harvested by peasants and PLA soldiers. Except for the big cities, the whole of South Vietnam is controlled by the Vietcong or the National Liberation Froht's Provisional Revolutionary Government. Thus, there is a grave shortage of food in the cities because the Saigon regime does not recognise the existence of the NLF. In order to obtain supplies of rice, vegetables and other foodstuffs, the Saigon army is sent into the liberated regions. However, losses are heavy either from desertions or as a result of fierce battles. The plan of some American scientists to refoliate the countryside is thus unnecessary and is nothing but a ruse to infiltrate American soldiers into the liberated areas. Some AID officials have already admitted that they were merely tools of the CIA. (Incidentally, the chief purpose of all tests and examinations from age sixteen is to
make people susceptible to pressure, as has been mentioned on the BBC World Service.)
A. J. H. Brown, 46 Merryton Avenue, Giffnock, Glasgow