19 JANUARY 1974, Page 8
Tk IVIegups aotopte,d to satit tile Hire ck Laboarexs nowadays recall; the Tai.e, of the, reasartts 1410 Were wont to tOrn. ClOWtt thtir owt HotkstS to roast tile g9s they }S-ept there:111.h ste,P19 that th.g. ECM/10211y 15 to loe iile,":15e, citAroyeet, ttle hope. tfiat Site:Tower to force, kt 11.1■14 of tile Colliers aar te,lownct,rtiractdotc5ir cookezt, in its Esc:1ns. Tita, Gavermot rtigktcit vett to weal! tluit evet.
Villagersi..a tILe Story Nitre corekt to siatt8, clear ixoq. their Houses before se41ait9 Fire, to