A very splendid hook has appeared or is about to
appear, called Portugal Illustrated, by the Rev. W. M. KINSEY, B.D.* Infor- mation respecting this country at the present moment comes sea- sonably enough. We are, however, far more satisfied with Mr. Kirisalts pictures than his prose. Portugal Illustrated, though a beautiful volume, and, considered as a lounging book for draw- ing-room readers, a tolerably amusing work, is too much of a compilation from obvious sources to please our tastes. It has the book-making air about its pages ; which want what Humboldt calls the local tint—a charm only to be communicated to de- scriptions of scenes by a person who has been affected by them. We recommend it, however, to those who wish for a collection of engravings of Portuguese scenes most excellently tooled, and alone nearly worth the price of the book, and who at the same time desire to have compacted in one volume the principal part of ,what travel- lers and poets have said about this country for the last dozen years.
* Recollections of a Service of Three Years during the War of Extermination in the Republics of Venezuela and Colombia. By an Officer of the Colombian Navy. Hunt and Clarke, London, 1828. 2 vols. 8vo.
Treuttel and Co. 1S28.-, Royal 8yo.