Revolution In Portugal.
THE PRESS. GLOBE.—So seems to have ended the enterprise which was so happily and spiritedly begun by the loyal party in P:srtligal, to re-establish the au- thority of Don Pedro,......
: • State Of Ireland.
Joists - Betts—Is there a Government in Ireland. or is there not? is there a Coustitution in the British Empire, or is there not? If the Administration are contented. to fancy......
Lord Wharncliffe's Game-bh.l.
MORNING HLRAI.D.—TIR: rejection of the Game-Bill in the House of Lords will, we are convinced, be received by the country with equal sur- • prise and regret, a confident......
Public Offices—reduction And Efficiency.
NEW Times.—When the subject of retrenchment in the civil department was talked of, in the commencement of the Duke of Wellington's Adminis- tration, we pointed out what we are......
Tiie Complaint Against Sir Richard Birnie.
TOPICS OF THE DAY. A FRACAS took place last week at Bow Street between the two Vestry Clerks of St. Paul's, Covent Garden ; who, by their double election, divide the Parish as......
Vartiamtutarp Diary,.
HOUSE OF LORDS. MOwnsv.—Bembay Marine Bill read a first time. Bankrupt Law Amendments Rill, and Charing Cross Improvement Bill, passed through Committees. Foreign Policy ;......