BraTus.—On the 8th inst., at Melville House, the Countess of Leven and Mel- ville, of a daughter—On the I 1th, at York-gate, Regent's Park, the Hon. Mrs. Westby, of a son—On the 13th. in John.etreet, Bedford-roxv, the lady of Richard Lambert, Esq., of a daughter—On the 22d June, at Stutgard, the lady of Charles Henry Hall, Esq.; his Majesty's Chargé d'Affaires to the Court of Wirtemberg, of a son—On the 14th inst., at New Romney, the lady of Thomas Hallowes, Lieut. R.N., of a son—On the 2:3d June, at Fiume, near Trieste, Hungary, the holy of William Ed- mund Spencer, Esq., of a son—On the Lith, at Etinburgh, the lady of Colonel Maple, of a son—On the 2d, the lady of the Right Hon. H.W. Williams Wynn, his Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the ( ourt of Copen- hagen, of a daughter—At Holkliam, on the 12th July, Lady Anne Coke of a son.
111.4.R.RtAGE s.—On the 12th, at St. James's Church, Captain It. F. Rowley, R.N., third son of Admiral Sir Charles Rowley, ECU., to Elizabeth Julia, youngest daughter of John Angerstein, Esq.—On the 15th, at St. Mary's, by the Rev. John Brownlow, Charles Brownlow, Esq., M.P., of Lurgan, county Armagh, to Jane, daughter of the late Roderick Macneit, Esq., of Barra, Invernesshire—On the 15th, at Christ Church, Surrey. by the Rev. James Henry Mapleton, LL.B., Captain George Htunmett, of Appledore, Devon, late of the India so vice, to Frances Sarah, eldest daughter of James Bult, Esq., of Great Suriey-strect—On the 15th, at St. George's Church Hanever-square, Edw. Saurin, R.N., scn of the Right Hon. William and Lady Idary Saurin, and nephew of the Marquis of Thomond, to Lady Mary Ryder, second dawskter of the Earl and Countess of Harrowhy—On the 1711t, at St. George's, Hanover-square, the Earl Brownlow, to the Lady Emma Edgcumbe, daughter of the Earl of Alount-Edgeinnbe--•On Thursday, the 17th inst., by the Rev. Joseph Shaw, at Donnington Church, Herefordshire, the Rev. Wm. Borradaile, M.A., vicar of Wandsworth, Surrey, to Agnes Sarah Blizadd, eldest daughter of the Rev. Joseph Shaw, Al.A., rector of High Ham, Somerset.
DeATue.—At Halbeath, near Dunfermline, John APLean collier, in the hundred"
and. first year of his age. In his ninety-third year he travelled from his own house to Edinburgh, where he transacted business and returned, being a walk of thirty- four miles, in the course of eleven hours—At Rosseau, John O'Driscol, Esq., late Chief Justice at Dominica—At Newcastle-upon.Tyne, op the 26th ult., in the hun- dred-and.third year of his ;lee, Thomas Thompson, a Chelsea pensioner. He fought in the battle of Minden, where he was severely wounded ; and served in the Ameri- can war in Lord Cornwallis's regiment, the 33d. He retained his memory and all his faculties perfectly to the last, and related the various events of his long life with remarkable clearness and anitnation.—On the 10th inst., G. Hoskins, Esq., of the Secretary of State's Office, Whitehall, youngest son of the late William Hoskins, Esq., of North Perrott, Somersetehire—At his house in Clarges-street, Piccadilly, Lieut.-Colonel Clements of the Guards, brother to Lord Leitrim—At his seat at Rankeillour, North Britain, on the 1st, General the Hon. Charles Hope, of Craig- hall—On the 15th, James, second son of Sir Sandford and Lady Graham, aged six years and five months—On the 11th, Elizabeth, wife of WM. Kay, Esq., of Tring- park—On the 4th, at Drumrora, county Cavan, Anthony Tissington Tatlow, Eeq.; and on the 8111, t Brompton, the infant son of the above gentleman—On the 14th, at Dartmouth-terrace. Blackheath, Mrs. Pawn relict of the late Major-General An- drew Burn, of the Royal Marines—On the 6th, at Bognor, Sussex, Lieut.-Getieral John Macintyre, late of the Hon. East India Company'. Service—On the 26th, Jane, daughter of James Young, Esq., of Rotterdam, some time Provost of Aberdeen, in her fifteenth year. Whilst amusing herself with some friends among the rocks, at a bathing-place near Aberdeen, her foot slipped, and she was precipitated into a pool of water formed by the Sowing tide, and the body was taken out lifefese—On the 16th July, in Tavistock Place, Mary Gertrude, the infant daughter of Nicholas Harris Nicholas, Esq.—At Rowham's, Hants, the Hon. Mrs. Colt, widow of the late Oliver Colt, of Auldhame, North Britain, in the 97th year of her age—At his house in Wimpole-street, Thomas Divett, Esq., ALP. for Lymington—On Thursday, the 17th inst., at his house in Saville-row, sir Patrick Macgregor, Bart., Sergeant. General to the King, Vice-President of the Royal College of Surgeons, Surgeon to the General Commanding in Chief, and for twenty years personal Surgeon to his late Royal Highness the Duke of York—At Malta. on the 19th of June, in the 27th year of his age, Major Frederick Culling Smith, of the 80th Regiment.