Blood again in Ireland—not the recurrence of individual crime, but
still the repetition of the national sport with fife. The Party Processions Act having expired this year, the Orangemen were free to celebrate their popular anniversaries, the battle of the Boyne on the 1st instant, and the battle of Aughrim on the 12th. They let the battle of the Boyne pass comparatively unnoticed ; but having repented of their good sense, they made a display of processions on the other anniversary. In most places these idle celebrations passed off in peace ; but at Armagh, whether Pro- testants or Roman Catholics began it, there was a fight, and a man was killed. The Repeal leaders had encouraged their political antagonists to recall in parade these bloody victories : they were victories over Irishmen, it is true ; but the national sympathy runs on the side of bloodshed however produced, and not at all on the side of noiseless order. Now O'Connell twits the Orangemen with turbulence I