Mr. Hawes's Select Committee On The Petition Of The South-
eastern Railway Company has effected as deplorable an official exposure as ever was. Mr. Hignett, Solicitor to the Board of Ordnance, stands confessed as having used his......
Blood Again In Ireland—not The Recurrence Of Individual...
still the repetition of the national sport with fife. The Party Processions Act having expired this year, the Orangemen were free to celebrate their popular anniversaries, the......
The Sound Of Arms And The Cries Of Death Are
reechoed in various quarters of the globe. Spain has had an insurrection—the Catalans revolting against a military conscription introduced among them by modern "Liberal"......
Our Own Distant Colony Of New Zealand Presents The Reverse
of this scene—savages triumphant over Europeans ; for the story of which we had an imperfect hint last week has been fully con- firmed. The chief who twice cut down the British......
Debates Anb Ilroceetangs In Ftadiament.
L .. . ADDI/SSION or Sr.twisn COLONIAL SUGARS. :1/41 00thelartukft) commons, on Tuesday, Viscount PALMERSTON moved lion— dress be presented to her Majesty, stating that this......
A French Gentleman Has Murdered Six Or Eight Hundred Persons
: such is the charge brought against Colonel Peliasier, an officer serving in Algiers; who, according to the tale, surprised a tribe of Arabs, men, women, and children,......