A petition to the Queen, for the restoration, at the first fitting oppor- tunity, of the separate and distinct see of Gloucester, is said to have been very numerously signed in the diocese.
It was rumoured that Cardinal Wiseman had vanished out of the reach of the summons issued by the Committee sitting upon the laws of Mort- main. On Thursday, however, he appeared and gave evidence ; but he still, although promised the protection of the House of Commons, refused to answer any questions which would require his admission of communications with the See of Rome.
It is stated by the Times that the Reverend John Henry Wynne, of All Souls College, Oxford, has been deprived of his fellowship, in conse- quence of his having declared that he is no longer in communion with the Church of England. What church he has joined, or whether he has joined any, is not stated.
During the sale of the Earl of Hanington's effects, about 2000 pounds of snuff came under the hammer. The Earl was a connoisseur in snuffs, and some of the stock was very choice. A portion sold as high as 21. 10s. the pound.
Some additional antiquities have arrived from Nineveh at the British Mu- sewn; consisting chiefly of instruments and vessels of bronze and earthen- ware, supposed to have been used for domestic purposes by the ancient As- syrians.
The zoological collection of the late Earl of Derby has been bequeathed to the town of Liverpool.
A chess "tournament" is proceeding in London between natives and foreigners. The first prize has been won by Herr Andersson.
H. Daguerre, the discoverer of the process which bears his name, died suddenly on the 10th, in his sixty-second year.
Results of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last.
Ten Weeks Week of 1841-50. of 1851. Zymotic Diseases 2,355 • • • • 224
Dropsy Cancer and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat 403 • • • • 44
Tubercular Diseases 1,533 163 Diseases of the Brain, Spinal Marrow, Nerves, and Senses 1,167 •• • • 83 Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels 227 .... 32 Diseases of the Lungs, and of the other Organs of Respiration 761 .... 104 Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion 628 • • • • 51 Diseases of the Kidneys, •ke G5 • . • • 10
Childbirth, diseases of the Uterus, &e 86 • • • • 9
Rheumatism, diseases of the Bones, Joints, &ti 72 • • • • 6 Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, &c. 9 Malformations 14 •. : •• : • S Premature Birth 194 •••• 41 Atrophy 228 .... 32 Age 4.il .... 31 Sudden 88 • • • • 5 Violence, Privation, Cold, andIntemperance 200 • • • • 17 Total (including unspecified causes) 8,774 861
A repetition of the festival of military music which was held at Chelsea Hospital some time ago, took place on Thursday and Friday, in the grounds of Mulgrave House, near Putney Bridge. The orchestra was composed, as before, of the bands of seven regiments.
Mr. Anderson's lesseeship of Drury Lane Theatre has ended in insolvency : he is a aw an inmate of the Queen's Prison, preparing to go through the In- solvent Debtors Court.
"A Member of the Honourable Artillery Company" writes to the Times, complaining that in spite of their arduous duties during the late civie feast, they had "neither thanks nor refreshment." It is too bad certainly to tax the loyalty of the citizen soldiers to such an extent.
At the last examination of candidates for the degree of M.D. in the Uni- versity of St. Andrew's, a Mr. Robert Hale, from Norwich, presented him- self for examination, and obtained his diploma ; but it afterwards came to the ears of the Senates, through the medical press, that this gentleman was and is a homeopath, practising at Norwich. The Senates accordingly re- quested him to return his diploma. The honaceopath, however, refuses ; and we understand that the Senatus will commence proceedings against him. We believe this is the first case in which any university has recalled its degree got under similar circurnstances.—Eifeskire Journal.
A "No Popery" riot was carried on in the streets of Greenock on Monday last. A man named John Orr had been publicly preaching against the Pope and Popery. At his last attempt to do so, the Irish assembled, armed with cudgels; but being the weaker in numbers, they were soon overpowered and driven off the quay. The Protestant mob then ran through the streets, and broke the wiudows of the Roman Catholic chapel and the priest's house. No attempt appears to have been made to stop the disturbance.
Charles Fern, the young Frenchman who was sent to prison for six weeks for taking small portions of minerals and grains from the Great Exhibition, has been liberated before the expiry of the term. His act is considered to have been an indiscretion and not a theft.