19 JULY 1851, page 21
Military Gazette. War-office, July 18.-4th Regt. Drag....
to be Capt. by purchase, vice Nicolls, who retires ; Cornet J. R. Scott to be Lieut. bypurchsse. ice M Creagh ; Cornet R. J. Henry to be Lieut. by purchase, vice W. W. It. Wil-......
Prices Current,
BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices. I Sagerd. Monday. Theaday. Want. nowt Friday. 3 per Cent Consols 961 93 97 96/ 961 941 Ditto for Account 971 97 97 961 97 HE 3 per Cents Reduced......
Commercial Gazette, Tuesday, July 15.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Franklin and Woodrow, Princes Street, Ilanover Square, tailors-Pearce and Burrows, Banner Street, Bunhill Row, silversmiths- Hooper and Wilson, Hereford,......